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3 Signs of Burnout in the Workplace

Burnout can happen to anyone, but in the social justice and DEI fields where people often put themselves under intense pressure to create change, it might seem like an inevitability. If left unaddressed, burnout can lead to mental, physical, and emotional health issues, as well as decreased productivity and effectiveness, which I know will have my Powerhouses feeling some kind of awful. Continue reading to learn about signs and symptoms of burnout and discover some practical tips for how to address it before it becomes a serious problem.

Sign # 1: feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.

You may feel like you have no energy or motivation to do anything, and everything feels like a chore. For my Pragmatists out there, you may experience feelings of cynicism and detachment from your work, colleagues, and clients. If you find yourself becoming increasingly irritable and impatient with others, you may want to take a step back to see if this is just a bad day or something that runs deeper.

Sign # 2: feeling ineffective or unproductive, despite putting in a lot of effort.

You may feel like you're not making a difference, or that your work isn't valued by others. This can lead to a sense of hopelessness and despair, which can be difficult to shake off.

Sign # 3: physical symptoms can also be a sign of burnout.

You may experience headaches, muscle tension, or digestive problems. You may also have trouble sleeping, which can exacerbate feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to take action before burnout becomes a serious problem. Here are a few tips for how to address burnout in the workplace:

Take time off

I know you’ll rest when you’re dead, but if you don’t rest before then, your body might make that decision for you. Take a vacation, a mental health day, or a few hours off during the day to do something that recharges your battery. This can help come back to work feeling more refreshed.

Set boundaries

Working long hours or taking on too much because you don’t want to let anyone down or leave things undone is one way that not having solid boundaries might show up. Learn to say no to requests that don't align with your priorities, and delegate tasks to others when possible. This can help you prioritize your workload and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is crucial to avoiding burnout. Make sure you're eating foods that nourish your body, getting regular exercise, and practicing techniques that relax your mind and body. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being can help you feel more energized and focused.

By recognizing the signs of burnout and taking action to address it, you can avoid serious health issues and maintain your progress towards creating the change you want to see.

Take the free quiz to find your Burnout Archetype to get started on your journey back to balance.

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